Showing 20 of 37 results

Around a decade ago, Black Beauty Ranch staff members found a tabby cat wandering the property. The HSUS sanctuary had hundreds of animals—including horses, pigs, bison and tigers—but a domestic cat was an odd sight. After realizing she had likely been dropped off by someone who could no longer care...

For years we managed our lovable but anxious cat’s behavior in ways that, looking back, seem silly. Pepper, an indoor cat, would become upset if she looked through the sliding glass door in our kitchen and saw another cat passing through our backyard. As she began to growl, we would hastily retreat...

The words might seem alarming: “Positive for FIV.” Because many people are unfamiliar with feline immunodeficiency virus, it can seem like a daunting diagnosis for potential adopters. Yet the myths and misconceptions around FIV—such as the mistaken assumption that it is a “death sentence”—might...

Today’s the day. You’re ready to add a cat to your household. You’re at the shelter, excited but nervous because you’re not just choosing for yourself. There’s someone else at home: someone who will soon have to share living space, litter boxes and your attention. Staring at an array of cages...

I've put it off for months, but the dreaded day is here. An hour before the appointment time, I grab the cat carrier from the garage and, faking a nonchalance I’m far from feeling, enter the living room. Nellie isn’t fooled. Even though she’s my “easy” cat, the only one I can pick up, the one who...

Loree O’Hagan’s new home in Great Cacapon, West Virginia, came with four bedrooms, a wrap-around deck, a view of the mountains—and a family of feral cats. That last detail wasn’t mentioned in the seller’s disclosure report, but O’Hagan and her husband got an inkling on moving day, when they spotted...

JACKSON, Mississippi—The Humane Society of the United States is assisting the City of Crystal Springs with the rescue of approximately 176 cats from an alleged large-scale neglect situation. Mississippi Animal Rescue League also assisted on-scene. Law enforcement served a search and seizure warrant...

The Humane Society of the United States is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for shooting a cat with an arrow in Cedar County, Iowa. The Case: Around Oct. 30, 2022, family members found Atticus...

Yesterday, the Humane Society of the United States assisted the Virginia Attorney General’s Office and Chesterfield County Animal Services in the rescue of 110 cats and kittens from a large-scale alleged cruelty situation at a commercial breeding operation in Chesterfield County, Virginia. Local...

Our Animal Rescue Team deployed to Muncie, Indiana, in October 2021 ready to rescue dozens of cats living in filthy conditions inside a residential property. As rescuers entered the house, they encountered an unexpected obstacle: A black-and-white cat approached them and began rubbing against their...

Many of my guests don’t believe me when I tell them I have two cats. They see Toothless crying for attention and plopping on the ground for belly rubs, while the only signs of a second cat are the two food and water bowls in my kitchen. Boots is long gone under the bed by the time visitors enter my...

Maybe you’ve seen those videos of our Animal Rescue Team saving animals from hurricanes, floods and large-scale neglect situations. We HSUS staffers who toil in front of computer screens and aren’t directly involved in rescues have seen those videos too. And sometimes we feel a little left out and...

Toby is underweight, with scarred ears and a choppy haircut where severe matts have been cut out. Still, he looks healthier than he did when our Animal Rescue Team first saw him, says Katie DeMent as she sits on the floor petting him at our Maryland care and rehabilitation center in February. On Jan...

In October 2021, the Humane Society of the United States arrived in Muncie, Indiana to assist local police in rescuing of dozens of cats from an alleged severe neglect situation. Video producer Thom Stromer joined the HSUS Animal Rescue Team to assist with the rescue and document the scene and the...

Millions of people are at home now in the midst of a pandemic, disinfecting and cleaning, taking cold and flu medications—with the potential they might unwittingly poison their pets. The cleaning products consumers have carried home from stores, stripping shelves bare, can kill the virus that causes...

NEW YORK—Today, animal welfare groups commended Gov. Kathy Hochul for signing the Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill, groundbreaking legislation that will stop the flow of cruelly bred puppies to New York pet stores by ending the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores across the state. Championed...

Every day, Tiny Tina gives adopter Denise Folcik a gentle nose-to-nose kiss. The little black kitten started the ritual during the long weeks she was quarantined while recovering from ringworm, when Folcik would don her special quarantine-room clothing and come in to play. Tina still does it now...

It’s March 2021, and then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki is holding a press conference. Newly elected President Joe Biden has been in office for less than two months, and the hard-charging White House press corps, always on the lookout for broken political promises, wants answers about the...

The disaster responders could tell when they were getting close to their destination. Driving south to Antakya—a city revered for its cultural history and home to 400,000 people—they saw a few damaged buildings. But as they approached the city, almost every building was crumbling. Once inside...

Corey Roscoe was in college when the tortoiseshell started hanging around her apartment building’s trash and crying loudly. “These loud cries across the parking lot were like the beacon for my inner cat person,” says Roscoe, director of humane policy volunteer state engagement at the Humane Society...