Showing 20 of 267 results

If you've ever had to put a beloved pet to sleep, then you know how heartbreaking it can be to lose a member of your family. At the end of a cat or dog's life, the peace of a quiet room, the soft embrace of someone who cares and a gentle, painless sleep induced by a trained technician is one of the...

Sixty-two dogs were living on the Las Vegas, New Mexico, property when our Animal Rescue Team arrived in March to assist in rescuing them. They were found outdoors on frozen ground littered with broken glass, wires and other debris. Kirsten Peek, HSUS media relations manager, was present that day...

A pending bill in the Maryland legislature would ban the use of cruel cages and require eggs sold in Maryland to come from cage-free hens. Now is the time to protect Maryland families and say no to animal cruelty!

See the difference between cage-free egg production and battery-cage egg production.

SACRAMENTO, Calif.—California Animal Welfare Association, the state association representing and supporting more than 260 animal shelters and animal control agencies, is pleased to announce the launch of a three-year project to improve disaster preparedness. With funding generously provided by the...

It happens so fast: One day we’re adopting a young, energetic dog or cat, and then we blink and the veterinarian is telling us we’ve got a senior pet on our hands. If your companion animal is slowing down, don’t worry: Caring for an elderly dog or cat just requires a little more thoughtfulness...

From selecting collars and toys to testing out training techniques, bringing a new dog into your life is an exciting event that can also be stressful for both you and your pup. Until you’ve settled

With the loosening of cannabis laws in the United States, pet owners might wonder whether products that help humans can also work for dogs and cats. Research suggests they might. More and more veterinarians are using products containing CBD to reduce pain, anxiety, gastrointestinal issues and...

Contents What is meant by "chaining" or "tethering" dogs? Why do people tether their dogs? Why is tethering bad for dogs? How does tethering dogs pose a danger to humans? How should dogs be confined and restrained safely? Should tethering ever be allowed? What about attaching a dog's leash to a...

Some people might consider hamsters, guinea pigs and other small mammals as starter pets: tools to teach their children—many of whom have begged for a furry friend—responsibility. But while these animals can help kids develop respect and appreciation for all animals, parents should still have...

With the right information and supplies, you may be able to solve some conflicts with wildlife by yourself. But when it’s time to call in a professional, here's how to find a humane, effective and ethical company. Ask for an inspection and written estimate It will be difficult for any company to...

An unknown number of dogs were chained in the woods on a recent Sunday morning, and rescuers could hear them barking before they saw them. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the joint rescue in September is believed to be the biggest takedown of an alleged dogfighting operation in South...

Internet pet sale scams We all know the internet can be a great place to buy anything from books to rare gifts, but it's not where you should go to buy a new pet. In addition to disreputable dealers and puppy mills, internet scammers have crept into the realm of online pet sales, stealing money from...

Contents What products are considered cosmetics? Is animal testing legally required for cosmetics sold in the United States? Where is cosmetics testing on animals mandatory? Where is cosmetics testing on animals banned? Why do some cosmetics companies still use animal testing? How do I know if my...

A humane backyard is a safe haven for wildlife—a space where animals can thrive free from pesticides, trapping and other threats.

The delegate seemed ready to pick a fight, already having mocked a proposed plastic bag ban and other pro-environment bills on the day’s agenda. As I finished my testimony in support of wildlife-friendly plantings, I steeled myself for a heated debate. But on that gray afternoon in February 2020...

If you’ve ever eaten a juicy ear of corn or admired a perfectly manicured garden, you can probably thank a chemical engineer. But the pesticides and herbicides that make mass food production and smooth grass easier may negatively impact not just the ecosystem, but the health of our pets. All cancers...

CALL, Texas—The Humane Society of the United States and Operation Kindness are assisting the Newton County Sheriff’s Office with the rescue of about 10 dogs from an alleged cruelty situation in Newton County, Texas. The Newton County Sheriff’s Office responded to a residential property on July 6...

The Humane Society of the United States is assisting the Gaston County Police Department and their Animal Care and Enforcement Unit in rescuing 14 dogs from an alleged dogfighting and cruelty situation in Gaston County, North Carolina. A representative from the Gaston County District Attorney’s...