Showing 7 of 7 results

To help reduce needless cruelty to animals.

To keep wild animals where they belong—in the wild—and out of zoos and circuses.

To make the ocean safer for those who call it home.

To reduce⁠—and eventually end⁠—harmful animal experiments.

The public display industry keeps many species of marine mammals captive in concrete tanks, especially whales and dolphins. The Humane Society of the United States believes that these animals are best seen in their natural coastal and ocean environments instead of being held captive simply to...

Updated Jan.11, 2022 As a leader in the successful fight to end the use of chimpanzees in research, we have for years been the biggest supporter and donor to Project Chimps, a Georgia sanctuary that cares for chimpanzees retired from New Iberia Research Center. The sanctuary has always planned to...

Humans are fascinated by the intelligent and gregarious nature of the dolphin. As one consequence of this fascination, dolphins are commercially exploited in marine parks, aquaria and "swim-with-the-dolphins" (SWTD) attractions worldwide. In the United States, the Department of Commerce's National...