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Showing 20 of 30 results

To stop the barbaric practices of dogfighting and cockfighting.

Teddy was never meant to have a name. He was born a number, just one of tens of thousands of dogs—mostly beagles like him, chosen for their trusting, docile nature and compact size—bred in the United States for use in experiments each year. Teddy was meant to live and die in a laboratory, without...

To help reduce needless cruelty to animals.

To make sure there’s a family for every pet—and help keep pets in the loving homes they have.

If you've ever had to put a beloved pet to sleep, then you know how heartbreaking it can be to lose a member of your family. At the end of a cat or dog's life, the peace of a quiet room, the soft embrace of someone who cares and a gentle, painless sleep induced by a trained technician is one of the...

Following one former lab worker's path to advocacy.

Across the country, entire communities ban or restrict dogs because of their breed or perceived breed. The HSUS opposes such public policies as inhumane and ineffective. There is no evidence that breed-specific laws reduce dog bites or attacks on people and they divert resources from more effective...

To reduce⁠—and eventually end⁠—harmful animal experiments.

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.—Today, the Department of Justice announced that Inotiv, the parent company of Envigo, agreed to pay more than $35 million as a resolution to an investigation which included a criminal search warrant executed at Envigo RMS’s facility in Cumberland, Virginia, in May 2022. This...

To see Teddy and Millie now —playful and friendly, outgoing and affectionate—you’d never guess what they’ve endured in their short lives. As part of an unnecessary test commissioned by Dow AgroSciences (now Corteva Agriscience), the beagles were force-fed a pesticide every day for nearly a year at a...

Contents How many dogs are used in experiments every year? What kinds of experiments are dogs used in? What kinds of institutions use dogs in experiments? Which laboratories in the U.S. have the largest number of dogs in their possession? Where do laboratories get the dogs they use in experiments...

In May, we published our 10 th annual Horrible Hundred report, a list of problem puppy mills in the United States. The source of many puppies sold online or in pet stores, puppy mills are large commercial dog-breeding operations that put profits ahead of animal welfare. Sick or injured dogs, unsafe...

The Humane Society of the United States has completed its historic mission to remove nearly 4,000 beagles from a mass breeding facility which bred dogs to be sold to laboratories for animal experimentation. The last group of 312 beagles was removed from the facility earlier today and of that, 52 are...

Update 3/27/19: Dow AgroSciences ( Corteva Agriscience ) has officially agreed to release the beagles to our shelter partner, Michigan Humane Society. We are so grateful to each and every one of you who spoke up and took action to save these dogs. As we celebrate their freedom, our work is far from...

Dogfighting is where dogs who have been bred, conditioned and trained to fight are placed in a pit to fight each other for spectator entertainment and profit. Fights average one to two hours, ending when one of the dogs cannot continue. What can I do to help stop dogfights? Learn how to spot the...

Keren Nazareth is living her dream. Growing up in Gujarat—a state in western India—her first pet was a street dog, and all her subsequent pets have been street dogs or adopted from litters that would have ended up on the streets. Now, as senior director of the street dog program for Humane Society...

During the summer of 2022, our Animal Rescue Team, with the support of our shelter and rescue partners, removed nearly 4,000 beagles from a mass breeding facility

Contents What is a puppy mill? What is the HSUS doing about puppy mills? Are there any laws that regulate puppy mills? There is a puppy mill in my area. How can I get the authorities to investigate and shut it down? I bought a puppy and they got sick. What can I do? Should I get a puppy or other...

In one sense, it was a “routine” grooming appointment. In November, a big poodle mix named Freeda got her curly black hair shampooed, cut and blow-dried to perfection. She went in looking good and came out looking better, ready to show off her new ’do to mom Janis at their Northern Idaho home....