Showing 14 of 14 results

Colorado’s mountain lions, bobcats and lynx are under threat from trophy hunting and need protection now.

Whether you call them mountain lions or cougars, they’re one of the most adaptable big cats in the Western Hemisphere.

Named for their stubby tails, bobcats are so elusive that you’d be lucky to catch a glimpse of one in your lifetime.

Tigers are the largest cat species, with striped coat patterns as unique as fingerprints.

African lions are stunning and iconic creatures in danger of extinction.

Named for their stubby tails, bobcats are so elusive that most people would be lucky to catch a glimpse of one in their lifetime. The bobcat is 10 times smaller than a cougar but two times larger than a housecat, and often confused with both. Because of their smaller size, solitary nature and...

Because everyone should have the opportunity to experience the unconditional love and countless health benefits of living with a pet.

To reduce⁠—and eventually end⁠—harmful animal experiments.

WASHINGTON—Approximately 20 million pets in the U.S. experience poverty with their families and 70% have never seen a veterinarian*. According to a new Harris Poll survey conducted on behalf of the Humane Society of the United States**, only around one in four Americans (28%) are even aware of this...

They look like a deer crossed with a giant jack rabbit; with long, muscular tails and belly pouches, kangaroos are the world’s largest marsupial.

One of the largest living land mammals, rhinoceroses once shared the earth with saber-toothed cats and the earliest humanlike apes.

WASHINGTON —Today, the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration requesting that the agency updates regulations to make clear that animal testing is not legally required for drug approval. The petition also requests...

WASHINGTON—In response to a lawsuit by animal protection and conservation groups, today the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finally agreed to a June 2027 deadline to determine if leopards warrant increased protection under the Endangered Species Act. Increased safeguards would ensure closer scrutiny...

We’re working to increase equity in access to care through policy making, training for veterinary and animal welfare professionals, and direct care programs that provide veterinary care, pet supplies, other animal care services and information at no cost to pet owners. We’ve provided: More than 440...