Showing 20 of 21 results

Colorado’s mountain lions, bobcats and lynx are under threat from trophy hunting and need protection now.

Whether you call them mountain lions or cougars, they’re one of the most adaptable big cats in the Western Hemisphere.

Named for their stubby tails, bobcats are so elusive that you’d be lucky to catch a glimpse of one in your lifetime.

Tigers are the largest cat species, with striped coat patterns as unique as fingerprints.

Do your homework So you’ve decided to add a new pet to your family. First, you should answer some questions: What kind of pet will be the best fit for your household? Do you have enough time to devote to the daily needs of a dog? Is there someone in your household who is allergic? What about a non...

African lions are stunning and iconic creatures in danger of extinction.

By honoring the love people have for their pets.

Named for their stubby tails, bobcats are so elusive that most people would be lucky to catch a glimpse of one in their lifetime. The bobcat is 10 times smaller than a cougar but two times larger than a housecat, and often confused with both. Because of their smaller size, solitary nature and...

The stories reach Amanda Arrington via text message these days: The immunocompromised hospital worker in Milwaukee who brought her spunky dog, Rusty, onto her porch to give a socially distant thanks when a Pets for Life team member dropped off dog food. The veteran with four dogs—including a...

The Humane Society of the United States was founded to tackle animal welfare challenges that were historically beyond the reach of local organizations, supplement the essential work of animal shelters and rescues by addressing the root causes of animal cruelty, advocate for stronger laws to ensure...

As the year comes to an end, animal advocates celebrate the passage of three new animal protection ordinances and resolutions in Montclair. Most notably, Montclair prohibited the retail sale of dogs and cats in pet stores. Montclair joins 136 municipalities in New Jersey that have enacted humane pet...

Plan for your livestock Write down a list of emergency telephone numbers, including those of your employees, neighbors, veterinarian, state veterinarian, poison control, local animal shelter, animal care and control, county extension service, local agricultural schools, trailering resources and...

They look like a deer crossed with a giant jack rabbit; with long, muscular tails and belly pouches, kangaroos are the world’s largest marsupial.

Editor’s note: In late December of 2020, Congress approved a stimulus deal that extended the federal evictions moratorium until Jan. 31 and provided $25 billion in rental assistance. On Jan. 20, the new director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention extended the moratorium until at least...

One of the largest living land mammals, rhinoceroses once shared the earth with saber-toothed cats and the earliest humanlike apes.

Humane advocates descended upon Lawyers Mall on Valentine’s Day to “show the animals love.” The rally, organized by the Humane Society of the United States and other groups, demonstrated the strong, bipartisan public support for key animal welfare bills before the Maryland legislature this session.

The annual To the Rescue! gala supporting the work of the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International will take place Nov. 3, 2023, at Cipriani 42nd Street in New York City. Actress, author, producer and rabbit lover Amy Sedaris and actor and activist Justin Theroux, along...

WASHINGTON—In response to a lawsuit by animal protection and conservation groups, today the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finally agreed to a June 2027 deadline to determine if leopards warrant increased protection under the Endangered Species Act. Increased safeguards would ensure closer scrutiny...

Contents What is the Humane Society of the United States doing to help farm animals? What are some of the biggest problems farm animals face? Aren't there laws that protect farm animals from abuse? What are ag-gag bills? Don't animals have to be treated well to be productive? What can I do to help...