Showing 20 of 21 results

Fish are aquatic animals who live in diverse habitats.

Manatees are large, gentle marine mammals who eat only aquatic plants.

Monkeys are agile, intelligent primates—some of the closest animal relatives to humans.

Members of the weasel family, otters are known for their elongated bodies, webbed feet and playful antics, particularly their love of sliding down rocks, banks or waterfalls.

Pangolins are gentle mammals who curl into a defensive ball when threatened.

Sporting their tux-with-tails plumage, penguins are one of Earth’s most charismatic and recognizable birds.

Whales are awe-inspiring giants of the sea.

To help suffering birds.

To make the ocean safer for those who call it home.

To keep animals safe in their natural habitat.

Stuffed in a sports bag in Johannesburg, South Africa, the small pangolin was far from her natural environment. She’d been poached from her home and held without food or water for around 10 days, and now she was up for sale. In February 2020, wildlife traffickers brought her to an arranged meeting...

Minnow It makes sense that her best friends are turkeys. Minnow spent the first five months of her life on a dog meat farm in South Korea before she was rescued by Humane Society International in 2015 and adopted by Abbie Hubbard, who worked at a Virginia shelter where the rescued dogs were flown...

WASHINGTON— In a long-awaited victory for sharks across the globe, the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act passed the U.S. Senate Thursday night by a vote of 83-11 as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 7776). This critical measure prohibits the commercial trade of shark fins and...

Flying back and forth over Cape Cod Bay, a survey plane spotted a half dozen of the world’s rarest creatures: North Atlantic right whales. Such sightings are good news. The species hovers near extinction—by one estimate, fewer than 360 remain. Each time researchers locate a whale, they take pictures...

The public display industry keeps many species of marine mammals captive in concrete tanks, especially whales and dolphins. The Humane Society of the United States believes that these animals are best seen in their natural coastal and ocean environments instead of being held captive simply to...

It began, almost certainly, in a bat. Then, just as SARS jumped to civets from bats, the virus that causes COVID-19 passed to another mammal, possibly a pangolin. Finally, late last year, the new coronavirus most likely jumped to humans in a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, a densely populated city...

The first time Joni Conley saw her new furry family member run around her hay farm, it was clear that he’d spent most of his former life in a cage. “It was like he didn’t know where his legs were,” she recalls. “When he got the zoomies, I thought he was gonna blow a knee out!”

When the U.S.-based rescuers from Humane Society International touched down in Seoul in mid-October, they faced the usual jet lag. But rather than tackle it by jumping head-first into their work—shutting down their 17 th South Korean dog meat farm—they went straight to a hotel … and straight into...

Of the more than 150 dogs rescued in October from a South Korean dog meat farm, most have already found loving homes—but a dozen or so require a bit of extra TLC first. Their surroundings at an HSUS-run temporary shelter are a far cry from the filthy, cramped cages where they awaited a gruesome fate...

On a longline fishing boat off the Galapagos Islands, a concerned biologist working undercover as a cook films a horrifying scene. As the camera rolls, a blue shark is dragged upside down out of the water, a sharp hook piercing it through the roof of the mouth and out through the side of the face...