Showing 5 of 25 results

Who are Shelter and Rescue Partners? Our Shelter and Rescue Partner program is a network of organizations committed to serving as a safety net for pets and mentors for overwhelmed shelters. In collaboration with the Humane Society of the United States, program partners drive advancements in the...

The Humane Society of the United States worked with the United States Department of Justice on a transfer plan to remove all of the approximately 4,000 remaining beagles housed at Envigo’s facility in Cumberland, Virginia. At this time, we are connecting with our shelter and rescue partners and...

WASHINGTON —Today, the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration requesting that the agency updates regulations to make clear that animal testing is not legally required for drug approval. The petition also requests...

Are you getting a new dog or thinking about it? We're so excited for you and we know you'll give your new companion a great, loving home. Once you've decided you're ready for a dog, the next big decision is where to find this lifelong family member. You'll want to make sure to not get an animal from...

The choice to spay or neuter your pet may be one of the most important decisions you make impacting their long-term health—and your wallet! Your pet's health and longevity The average lifespan of spayed and neutered cats and dogs is demonstrably longer than the lifespan of those not. A University of...