Current Selections
Showing 20 of 182 results

While folktales portray them as sly tricksters, red foxes deserve our respect for their intelligence and adaptability.

Named for their stubby tails, bobcats are so elusive that you’d be lucky to catch a glimpse of one in your lifetime.

Ferrets are playful, curious carnivores who have become popular pets.

Giraffes are gentle giants.

Last week, in Chesterfield County, Virginia, local authorities arrived at a residence to serve a search and seizure warrant. Our Animal Rescue Team was on the scene to help the Virginia Attorney General’s Office and Chesterfield County Animal Services rescue cats and kittens from a large-scale...

By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson We are on Capitol Hill today for the swearing in of the 116 th Congress, along with Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund colleagues. We’re meeting with members of Congress, old and new, and gearing up for a new session of pushing...

If you’ve been following our advocacy for dogs and cats in puppy and kitten mills, you already know that these mega-breeding facilities treat dog and cat mothers and fathers like moneymaking machines with little to no regard for their health or well-being. Thankfully, each year, more and more people...

Many people experience their first connections with animals through relationships with dogs, cats or horses. Just as these bonds are powerful and pervasive, so must our advocacy be since companion animals face myriad injustices and difficulties in the U.S. and around the world. We’ve already detailed the incredible progress made against the dog and cat meat trades in 2023, but there is much more to say on other fronts. Here are just some of the ways we created a more humane world for companion animals in the past year.

Today, the New York Times reported on Airbnb’s new featured offering of “animal experiences,” which will have an ethical focus and will ban any direct contact with wild animals. The announcement comes on the heels of a decision by TripAdvisor, reported just yesterday, to stop ticket sales to all...

Two of fashion’s most iconic brands, Alexander McQueen and Balenciaga, have announced they no longer use animal fur in their lines. Alexander McQueen, a top British brand, and Balenciaga, a luxury Spanish brand, are the latest houses in the Kering Group, a luxury fashion group based in France, to...

The hurt and harm of animal testing can extend beyond what happens in laboratories, as a new scandal concerning one major animal testing company’s acquisition of monkeys shows. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating whether Inotiv and several of its subsidiaries violated the U...

New research conducted by our Stop Puppy Mills campaign reveals that the American Kennel Club, a purebred dog registry organization that used to call itself “the dog’s champion,” has opposed more than 450 bills that aimed to help pups since 2008. What’s more, its opposition has escalated, at the...

Imagine having to work in a roadside zoo, a pet store selling puppy mill puppies, a slaughter plant or a factory farm without ever being able to show your true feelings. Would you ever be able to walk alone among hundreds of dead animals at a wildlife killing contest, surrounded by people carrying...

Earlier this month, our Nevada state director Rebecca Goff and others testified at the Assembly Natural Resources Committee hearing in support of a bill in Nevada (A.B. 102) that would end cruel, unsporting and ecologically destructive wildlife killing contests in the Silver State. An end to these...

The link between crimes involving cruelty to animals and human violence has been well documented and long recognized by the nation’s top law enforcement groups, including the FBI and the National Sheriffs’ Association. Now, a new report warns that animal abuse crimes could signal warning behavior...

In May, our Humane Society International team assisted with the extraordinary rescue of 200 wild animals, including zebras, kangaroos, lions, tigers and bears, from a ramshackle roadside zoo in Montreal, Canada. Many of the animals were confined in dark, barren, dilapidated enclosures, many were...

A Petland in Naperville, Illinois, will have to stop selling puppies and kittens after the city council passed an ordinance Tuesday ending such sales in pet stores. This makes Naperville the 341st locality in the United States to pass such a measure. There were Petland stores in several of these...

This week, a few hundred industry participants have gathered in Shelbyville, Tennessee, for the 80 th annual Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration: an event that has over the years seen many cruelly treated horses -- victims of a practice known as horse soring -- exhibited and their owners...

Mink fur farms have emerged as hotspots for the coronavirus, with 11 nations in Europe, Canada and the United States reporting such infections and, in some cases, transmissions from animals to human workers. The infections have resulted in millions of animals, including pups, on fur farms being...

An undercover investigation from the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International has ​ unearthed a thriving market for elephant ivory products in Massachusetts, as lawmakers there consider a bill that would ban the ivory trade within the state. Our investigators visited the...