Current Selections
Showing 20 of 72 results

Because we're ready to step up whenever they need us.

Because everyone should have the opportunity to experience the unconditional love and countless health benefits of living with a pet.

In a major win in the fight against cruel puppy mills, Illinois’ Gov. J.B. Pritzker has signed the Humane Pet Store Bill (HB 1711) into law. The state’s 21 puppy-selling pet stores have 180 days from August 27, the date the bill was signed, to stop selling commercially raised puppies and kittens...

Animal Care Expo, our marquee training and exhibition event for animal welfare professionals, has moved online this year because of the coronavirus crisis. From the comfort and safety of their homes, participants can enjoy an interactive virtual conference experience during a three-day event packed...

Julie Cassadore has been voted the 2024 More Than a Pet Community Hero for the good she has done for her community of San Carlos, Arizona, and its animals. Desert Cross Veterinary Hospital, the organization that nominated Julie, will receive $10,000 to boost its efforts for companion animals and the people who love them.

As Hurricane Dorian moves closer to our shores, an extremely dangerous storm that could cause unprecedented flooding and winds in several coastal states, we’re working with our shelter partners to move animals out of harm’s way. On Sunday, we coordinated an evacuation of approximately 80 animals...

As severe weather events have become more frequent and more destructive in recent years, our Animal Rescue Teams at the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International have not merely expanded but also learned to pivot swiftly to respond to crisis situations. This includes...

Tens of millions of unemployed Americans are now struggling with the possibility of losing their homes because they cannot pay rent. The situation is even more heart-wrenching for those who have companion animals at home and are faced with the impossible choice of keeping their best friends or...

By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson Thousands of tigers, lions, leopards and other big cats are kept in private homes and poorly run exhibits across the United States. These wild and dangerous animals are forced to spend their lives in inhumane conditions, locked up in small cages that are as far from...

I was happy to see that so many viewers enjoyed watching the fun video of animals enjoying the summer at our Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch in Texas. You can watch it here. As it turns out, when it’s hot out, bears, gibbons, horses, monkeys, pigs and tigers in sanctuary are not different from us...

On the outside, it appeared to be a well-maintained property in Jones County, Mississippi, with several buildings, a neatly mowed lawn and pine trees scattered around 161 sprawling acres of land. But what our Animal Rescue Team and local law enforcement officials from the Jones County Sheriff’s...

In recent months, China has made rapid progress toward quashing its infamous wildlife and dog meat trades. Last week, we got more good news on this front: China officially confirmed that dogs are pets and are not livestock for eating; and Wuhan, where the novel coronavirus is believed to have...

As the COVID-19 crisis escalates, we are asking Congress to act quickly on an important bill that would ensure that millions of animals held in research laboratories and enterprises like puppy mills and roadside zoos across the country are not forgotten. The Providing Responsible Emergency Plans for...

The $2 trillion emergency stimulus bill that cleared Congress earlier today carries important prospective benefits for the animal care and services sector. These include a temporary expansion of charitable deduction provisions, opportunities for business continuity loans to cover payroll, paid leave...

In yet another twist in the continuing saga of Joe Exotic, a court has awarded his roadside zoo in Wynnewood, Oklahoma, to the leader of a big cat sanctuary whom he once hired a hitman to kill. A federal judge on Monday gave the GW Exotics zoo—the site where Joe Exotic abused and exploited big cats...

In the aftermath of devastating wildfires that claimed the lives of a still unknown number of people on Maui, we mourn with our supporters and colleagues in Hawaii. As with most disasters, the loss of human life and the financial and other damages incurred by individuals, governments, businesses and...

It was just after dawn when the Gaston County Police Department served a search and seizure warrant on a residential property in North Carolina last week. In the yard, makeshift enclosures made of wire and wood confined scared and skittish dogs. Our Animal Rescue Team was on the scene to help the...

I’m a mom and an animal protection advocate, and when I think about the health of our planet I can’t help but do so as someone who wants the best for my child and the billions of other young people whose lives depend on better Earth stewardship and care. They deserve to live on a planet that is full...

With the country in the grip of the coronavirus for an indefinite period, we’ve decided to cancel Animal Care Expo 2020, our marquee training and exhibition event for animal welfare professionals, scheduled to be held in San Antonio, Texas, this May. In some respects, it was a complicated decision...

Their troubles are over, and Ross, Rachel, Chandler and Joey are safe now at home. Three years after their rescue from a roadside zoo in Canada, this lucky troop of kangaroos is thriving at Black Beauty Ranch.   The ‘roos were among over 200 animals rescued from the Saint-Édouard Zoo in Quebec, in...