Current Selections
Showing 20 of 70 results

While we fight the worst, most institutionalized abuses of animals around the world through advocacy, extensive outreach and helping to pass laws that will improve the lot of millions of animals, there’s another side to our work. We are also highly active in direct care and service at the grassroots...

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, shelters and rescues have pivoted swiftly to ensure that more animals get adopted and to make space for others in need. I’ve been reporting on this blog about shelters and rescue groups successfully placing animals into loving homes through expanded...

Last week, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its latest report , one of the most comprehensive assessments of climate change to date. The report draws clear links between human-caused climate change and extreme regional weather events, concluding that some...

With a presence in more than 50 countries, Humane Society International has the reach and the ability to create lasting and transformational change for animals around the globe. In 2019, among several achievements, our team helped win key victories for giraffes, elephants and rhinos at the meeting...

Across the nation, law enforcement officers—despite facing unprecedented challenges during the coronavirus pandemic—are hard at work to ensure that animals who need their help are neither forgotten nor left behind. Since the crisis began, our state directors have reached out to government officials...

Over the years at the only zoo in Puerto Rico, hurricanes, COVID, damaged infrastructure and alleged underfunding had taken a terrible toll. When it became clear that the facility no longer had the resources to care for its hundreds of animals and would have to close, we, along with several other...

Update 12/20/22: President Biden signed the Big Cat Public Safety Act into law. In a major advance in our long fight against the abuse of captive big cats, the U.S. Senate just passed the Big Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 263/ S. 1210), a bill we have championed for years because it prohibits keeping...

Poverty and structural inequality create barriers to accessing healthy food, education, jobs, health care and housing. Pet resources are no different. Over 20 million pets experience poverty with their families in the U.S., and 70% of these pets have never seen a veterinarian. Our More Than a Pet campaign is leading the charge to raise awareness of this overlooked national crisis and to attract new corporate support to increase access to pet resources and veterinary services and help keep people and pets together. This year, with the help of our partners—Smalls, Tractive, Motel 6 and TQL—we’re introducing the More Than a Pet Community Hero Award to honor three individuals for their exceptional contributions to their communities.

When a rhesus macaque named Nanette gave birth to her daughter, Gabby, they were living in a biomedical research laboratory. In the wild, the daughter macaques typically stay with their mothers their entire lives, but in the laboratory setting it is common practice for baby macaques to be taken away...

Last year, we assisted with the care and placement of dozens of dogs rescued from the property of a German Shepherd breeder in Maryland. The breeder was cashing in on the popularity of a breed celebrated by the American Kennel Club, which has consistently placed German Shepherds at the top of its...

Recently, as people are starting to head back into the office, I’ve been getting questions about what’s happening with “pandemic pets” — dogs, cats and other animals who people brought into their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reporters want to know whether we have noticed any trends — are...

Each year, the heroes of our Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International Animal Rescue Teams wade into the worst possible situations to pull out animals who are living without hope. Today, on Giving Tuesday, I want to highlight the stories of just a few of these animals who...

Some of the most visible and dynamic work at the Humane Society of the United States is carried out by our intrepid Animal Rescue Team. These highly skilled professionals stand ready to deploy at a moment’s notice to bring relief to animals imperiled by natural calamities, like hurricanes and...

Our Animal Rescue Team is on the ground in parts of Florida that were ravaged by Hurricane Michael. We are coordinating the movement of adoptable dogs and cats out of shelters affected by the storm and to shelters in other parts of the country, making room for animals who started to flow in before...

A recent industry publication paints a grim picture for the future of puppy mills, after several hundred localities and three states have banned the sale of puppies in pet stores in recent years. According to a report from IBIS World, a market research firm, fewer pet stores selling puppies led to a...

Fighting the big fights for animals means that we are constantly working at an enormous scale to change thousands and thousands of lives—from securing the passage of animal protection laws and filing lawsuits on behalf of animals to conducting investigations and rescuing animals from crisis...

Yesterday, emergency officials in Horry County, South Carolina, which has been bracing for record flooding following Hurricane Florence, received a call from a couple with 12 cats. Their home was surrounded by rapidly rising waters, and they didn’t want to evacuate without making sure their animals...

Tonight, in a wonderful gesture of support for our lifesaving work, some of America’s most talented songwriters—Rob Thomas, Chris Daughtry and Jason Mraz—will join forces for a one-of-a-kind benefit concert, Rock the House for Animals. The concert, which will livestream on

The Humane Society of the United States and its partners are back on the ground for the second round of Spayathon for Puerto Rico, an ambitious project that aims to provide free spay, neuter and vaccination services to 30,000 dogs and cats in the commonwealth over 12 months. The first round in June...

We’re devoted to ending the worst forms of systemic animal suffering by working with corporations—and while we’ve had some immense wins, some companies refuse to listen to calls for change. A fascinating discussion on our corporate policy work took place on our Humane Voices podcast, which came out...